School of Architecture and Art
Come have a hand in building the future
Come have a hand in building the future
The School of Architecture + Art is challenging, fun and dedicated to producing architects who will serve the needs of people.
Our intimate scale fosters natural, effective mentoring relationships between faculty and students; courses take a balanced approach to the art and science of architecture. We embrace environmental sustainability as part of Vermont’s ethos and because they understand integrated design processes, our graduates' enter the profession well prepared.
Norwich’s School of Architecture + Art is ranked No. 3 in the United States of the “most hired from” universities.
Source: DesignIntelligence 2020
As part of the nation's oldest private military college, we offer a four-year bachelor of science in architectural studies degree (preprofessional); a one-year, National Architectural Accrediting Board-accredited master of architecture degree (first professional); and two art minors. All are designed for practical people who want to immerse themselves in an experiential academic lifestyle.
30 and 40 years postenrollment, Norwich ranked in the top 7 percent for best net present value among the 4,529 schools ranked in Georgetown University’s “A First Try at ROI” study.
Learn MoreWinners Announced from Norwich University's Third Annual International Architecture and Design Competition for High School Students
Winners AnnouncedNorwich University first-year architecture students created Zig Zag chairs based on Gerrit Rietveld’s mid-1930s design
All 24 first-year architecture students received 1/3 of a sheet of plywood to create an iconic Zig Zag chair based upon Gerrit Rietveld’s mid-1930s design. Formed by four wood planes joined in rhythmic sequence, it is one of the first examples of a cantilevered solid wood chair.
Architecture Professor Matt Lutz applies 3D printing to classic Adirondack boatbuilding
“I’m responsible for teaching my students what the next technological advance is going to present in terms of possibilities and opportunities,” Architecture Professor Matt Lutz says. “And I want to be able to present that in such a way that it’s not encouraging the students to just to use the technology for the sake of convenience, but to use it to do something that would otherwise not be able to be accomplished.”
For 20-plus years, Norwich’s Design+Build Collaborative has called on students to “act as well as conceive” and address Vermont community needs by constructing full-scale building projects. The Collaborative continues to design and prototype regionally informed projects, partner with community organizations and organize research across Schools.
Location: Chaplin 401 | 1 (802) 485-2647
Norwich University’s School of Architecture + Art kicks off the 2024-25 academic year with presentations on Friday, September 20, at 1 p.m. in Chaplin Hall Gallery. The series is free and open to the public.
NORTHFIELD, Vt. – The SoA+A 23-24 Lecture Series is concluding with a symposium scheduled on March 22, 2024, at Chaplin Hall from 3pm-5pm. The event is open to the public and a virtual option is also available.
Norwich University School of Architecture + Art is honored to present our second guest speaker of the MATERIALITY: FABRICATION FOR COMMUNITY lecture series.