Norwich’s AFROTC Cadets participate in the Second Annual Northfield Community Clean Up

By Saraa Kami, NU Director of Communications

The Second Annual Northfield Community Clean Up took place this past weekend. Norwich’s AFROTC Cadets, in partnership with the American Legion Post 1819 and NU AFROTC Det 867, cleaned in and around the Northfield Town Center.

Tripling their efforts from last year, cadets at this year’s event collected over 30 bags of trash and washed monuments in the Greene, covering an area that included the Northfield town center from the base of Turkey Hill to the Northfield Park. The event also included a car wash.

The Second Annual Northfield Community Clean Up event was organized and executed by AFROTC Cadets, namely Leveque, Rowell, Rodgers, and Khoury – exemplary developing leaders.

Norwich would like to thank Jeff Schultz, Town Manager of Northfield, for his time and support. We would also like to acknowledge our facilities department for providing the AFROTC Cadets with the equipment needed to make this year’s event a success.

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About Norwich University
Norwich University is a diversified academic institution that educates traditional-age students and adults in a Corps of Cadets and as civilians. Norwich offers a broad selection of traditional and distance-learning programs culminating in baccalaureate and graduate degrees. Norwich University was founded in 1819 by Captain Alden Partridge of the U.S. Army and is the oldest private military college in the United States of America. Norwich is one of our nation's six senior military colleges and the birthplace of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC).

Media contacts:

Saraa Kami
Director of Communications

Marcus Popiolek
VP Marketing and Communications +
AVP Enrollment Services, College of Graduate and Continuing Studies

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