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  • Corps of Cadets

Norwich cadets volunteer at 30th Annual Penguin Plunge for Special Olympics Vermont

Each year 100-200 Norwich students work with Special Olympics Vermont athletes and programs annually in a variety of ways including volunteer efforts, coaching, and mentoring.

NU Cadets Participate in 50th Annual Broomball Tournament at RMC Saint Jean

This event marks the second time Norwich cadets were invited to join the festivities at RMC, strengthening the bond established through their participation in the International Symposium of Military Academies.

Commandant Announces Regimental Commander for AY 2025-26

BG William F. McCollough, VSM, Commandant and Vice President for Student Affairs, Norwich Class of 1991, has announced that Cadet First Sergeant Matthew S. Ober '26 will serve as the Regimental Commander for the academic year 2025-26. This position is the highest rank among cadets in the Corps.

Norwich University Cadet Receives National Leadership Award

C/CSM Thoren Berg ’25 has been selected by the Association of Military Colleges & Schools of the United States (AMCSUS) as the recipient of the Leadership Award and a $1,000 scholarship. A combination of his character and service alongside his academic and athletic performances led to this honor.

Norwich University Peace & War Center and Norwich University students attended the International Forum for Peace, Security, and Prosperity (IFPSP)

Cadet Daniel Inglee's reflection on his time at the International Forum for Peace, Security, and Prosperity (IFPSP).

Norwich linebacker wins 'Defender of the Nation Award'

Shayne Leddy becomes the first division III student-athlete to win the award.

Honoring the past, benefiting the present – 2024 Legacy March

Undertaking a hike through quaint localities and historic covered bridges is not merely the honoring of an institutionally significant moment or an educational exploration of nature, but also serves as a fundraiser for The Veterans’ Place – a Northfield-based transition home and support center for homeless veterans.

Brigadier General Matt Braman ’95 will be the keynote speaker during Veterans Day observance

Norwich University will observe Veterans Day by conducting a Corps of Cadets review in honor of all veterans, past and present. The reviewing officer and guest speaker will be U.S. Army Brigadier General Matt Braman, Director, Army Aviation for Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) G-3/5/7, Norwich University Class of 1995.

COL Mark Elfendahl, Executive Vice President of the Olmsted Foundation, visits Norwich University

“The greatest leaders must be educated broadly.” – General George Olmsted – military officer, businessman, philanthropist.

Dear Norwich

A Norwich mother shares her gratitude with leaders in the Corps of Cadets.